Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Starting a new project begins with a generic end goal.

The end goal for my current project is a going to be the creation of a book.  I have created a number of books as gifts for family members, but this time I would love to create something that would not look out of place on a book shelf - with photos that will please both myself and anyone wanting to own a set of my images.

This then is my aim, to create a series of images that will fit this very generic specification.  The images will span several of my own personal projects, over a number of years of taking photographs, and I hope will show some of my favourite shots in their best light.

I will keep you up to date with this project and go into the detail of how the pictures have been selected, and in some cases how they were captured.  I will aim to have the book completed, and made available, before the end of the year - it is going to be an experiment in expression and explanation, I hope it will inspire people to complete their own personal projects in whatever field their passion lies.

I have set myself a challenge, and this post is the gauntlet thrown at my own feet, I can't wait to show you the book and I'm looking forward to creating the images for its content.

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